“The Best Way to Sell Something… Don't sell anything.
Earn the awareness, respect, and trust of those who might buy.”

Rand Fishkin (founder di Moz)


Offices headquarters:
Via Imola 90/A, 41126 Modena, Italy
Tel. e Fax +39 0444 569461
Legal headquarters:
BKey Consulting SrL
Via Vecchia Ferriera 5, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Tel. +39 0444 569461
Fax +39 0444 569374
Write here your request

Your personal data: name, surname, email address, phone number, and company, are collected to guarantee your request of information is correctly processed.
The data controller is BKey Consulting s.r.l., based in Vicenza, Via Vecchia Ferriera 5.
Data will be processed both manually and using automated means (materially present on the Italian soil). We took all the necessary precautions to minimize the risk of undue access, deletion, change, or appropriation by unauthorized third parties.
The data could be transmitted to third parties for commercial purposes.
The data will be kept for three years, starting from your last contact with us.
We inform you that, in accordance with art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 of the Italian Law and GDPR 679/16, the data subject has the right to always require confirmation of the existence of personal data, to know the content, the origin, and to what extent they are processed, to require the update, the rectification, the erasure or the transformation into anonymous form, or the interruption of data processed in case of violation of the current law. The data subject can object the processing of personal data, and can get to know at any time who is the data controller.
Any dissatisfaction or objection can be reported to the Data Protection Supervising Authority, Piazza Monte Citorio n° 121, 00186 Roma, tel. 06.696771, email: garante@gpdp.it.